Exploring Concurrency in Swift: Actors vs. Queues

Concurrent programming in Swift has been a hot topic, especially since the introduction of actors. This new player in the concurrency game has sparked debates about its performance vis-à-vis the traditional queues. To get a clearer picture, I rolled up my sleeves and benchmarked these two approaches.

What Are Actors?

An actor in Swift serves as a guardian of its mutable state, ensuring single-threaded access to prevent the dreaded data races. It’s a heavyweight champion of thread safety in the concurrent programming ring.

The Significance of Actors in Swift Concurrency

Actors are not just a new feature; they’re a paradigm shift. By locking down state access and integrating with Swift’s async/await, they reduce the mental gymnastics required to maintain thread safety. They represent a move towards more predictable and maintainable concurrency in Swift.

Understanding the Limits of Actors in Preventing Data Races

As Antoine van der Lee points out, actors aren’t a silver bullet. They mitigate, not eliminate, the risk of data races. It’s a bit like wearing a seatbelt—it makes you safer, but it’s not an excuse for reckless driving.

Why Data Races Can Still Occur When Using Actors

Even with actors, the sequence of asynchronous operations can still lead to races, albeit of a different kind. It’s not about simultaneous access, but about the timing and order of operations, which still demands developer vigilance.

queueOne.async {
    await feeder.chickenStartsEating()
queueTwo.async {
    print(await feeder.numberOfEatingChickens)

The crux of the matter is that actors shift the nature of race conditions. They offer a controlled environment, but it’s on the developers to steer clear of timing pitfalls.



To put this to the test, I created a scenario with actors and DispatchQueue, timing their operations involving a mock temperature logger.

Actor Playground Implementation

DispatchQueue Playground Implementation


I crunched the numbers, and here’s the data:

Runs Component Average Execution Time (seconds) Median Execution Time (seconds) Standard Deviation of Execution Time (seconds) Total Measurements Notes
10 Actor 0.0263634085 0.0302392705 0.008733507339838242 30  
10 DispatchQueue 0.038884270799999995 0.039969020999999993 0.003318502673248548 30  
50 Actor 0.09523081010000002 0.10296445800000001 0.023547593880998936 150  
50 DispatchQueue 0.19973209494 0.214760354 0.028667415804254786 150  
100 Actor 0.21355324090000008 0.2293904585 0.04365364316586947 300  
100 DispatchQueue 0.3505280370599999 0.308498854 0.11525222904532295 300  
500 Actor 1.41273607833 1.46941725 0.20757241215870095 1500  
500 DispatchQueue 1.4593390492419998 1.5291020835000002 0.7816940446783845 1500  
1000 Actor 3.432818794544995 3.536968458 0.44535471787905123 3000  
1000 DispatchQueue 3.0110555153670027 2.8920404165 1.7202161787585477 3000 **
1500 Actor 6.104391908370001 6.263336729500001 0.7372806404140805 4500  
1500 DispatchQueue 4.780818677598665 4.3577189165 2.9351269876076653 4500 **
5000 Actor 43.99566643877493 44.907944833 4.778725795415856 15000  
5000 DispatchQueue 30.483703210767132 24.319241333 24.598807693444005 15000 **

** Noteworthy: Multiple errors during queue runs—malloc double frees, out-of-range indices, a clear signal of the fragility of queues under stress.

  • Tested on: Apple M2 Max - 64GB RAM

Benchmark Graphic

The graph shows a trend: actors offer more consistent performance, while queues show variability under load.

Benchmark Observations and Stability vs. Performance

At 5000 interactions, we see a trade-off: dispatch queues are faster but less stable than actors. For mission-critical applications where predictability is key, actors may be the go-to despite a performance hit.

Discussing Actor Synchronization

Synchronization in actors, involving mailboxes or message passing, can add overhead. Future benchmarks might probe these mechanisms under high contention.


Actors and queues are both competent, but actors provide an edge in maintenance and cognitive load. Still, benchmark findings are contextual, and one size does not fit all.


Incorporating Swift’s actors can be a boon for thread safety and data integrity, but the choice between actors and queues should hinge on project-specific requirements. Performance is just one piece of the puzzle—clarity and maintainability are equally crucial.

As Swift’s concurrency evolves, staying updated is not optional; it’s crucial for Swift developers who aspire to build resilient, powerful, and efficient applications.

Reference to Swift’s Actor Proposal

For a deep dive into actors in Swift, Swift Evolution proposal SE-0306 is your go-to resource.